Watkinson Family Web Site
What IF
What if David had taken King Saul’s advice and put on the King’s armour?David would have lumbered about and Goliath would have easily won.No David used the weapons God had given him.
What if David had taken his time and walked slowly towards Goliath?Goliath would have had time to react and put up his shield.No David did what he always did when faced a wild animal. He took the stone in his sling moved quickly and the enemy died and the Nation was saved.So when we are faced with a giant, use the weapons God has given us moving quickly to keep the enemy guessing and gain the victory.
What if the servants had just filled the water jars and not given the “water” to be served?The wedding feast would have run out of wine and stopped early embarrassing the Bride and Groom.Imagine the surprise others would have had when they went to wash and found wine instead of the water they were expecting!No they did as Jesus told them even though they “knew” it was water!So be obedient and do not allow our human thinking say it was a silly suggestion and miss out on a miracle.What seems silly to us is what God uses!
What if Peter when wanting to pay his tax had just gone fishing and not checked inside the 1st fishes mouth?He would have had to work so much harder and imagine the surprise when the person who bought that fish cut it open!Often God will use a subtle twist to our usual occupation to provide that little bit extra for us.It is so important to follow His instructions completely.
What if a small boy had thought his bread and fish was too small to be useful?Over 5000 people would have gone hungry and he would have missed out on seeing a miracle and not seen how a small gift given freely can be multiplied.It is often the small things that God uses.So don’t think your “feeble” gift cannot be used when freely given and blessed in Jesus’ Name.The size of the gift is not the limiting factor.No it is our failure to freely give all we have to Jesus.
With God there are no “What ifs”.With God strange things do happen and people do some things that you or I may not think of.We can miss out on many blessings if we do not follow the small still voice of the Holy Spirit prompting us.
So what will I do? When faced with a large enemy? Whose weapons will I use?When told by Jesus to something my mind tells me is impossible?When I go about my usual occupation will I look for the unusual?When I see a need, will I be willing to give all I have, even when it seems too small?